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February 2025 Wisdom Themes

Writer's picture: Chris BreauxChris Breaux

Major Theme: Hope for the Hopeless


1. Lifting the Veil of Deception - Look beyond what presents at surface level. The posturing of power is a deception meant to excite fear and reaction. But lift this veil and see the fragility of its source. And in that fragility rests a calling for you. A call to heal the fear that sits just below the surface of your awareness. So shallow it rests, that you missed it before. But one that must be healed if to enter the next stages of your evolution. Do not be fooled by what you may see on display around you. What is put on outwardly is meant to hide the truth of reality. Trust your intuition. Be mindful of what is in each and every moment. Not what could be. The architect sees the doorway before it is built, but is also mindful in patience of the steps required to get there. They do not lose faith simply because the walls that would support it are not yet built first.


2. Rising Intuition: As the moon rises to illuminate that which is hidden in darkness, so now you enter a time of awakening intuition. Trust yourself above all else, but be honest with where "your" voice comes from. If it is not your own, then let it go. Disregard all opinion and advice that does not resonate with the voice inside your own heart. If you are unsure of what your own voice sounds like or feels like, then pause is necessary. Find the voice inside that is compassionate and without fear. There resounds the guidance you seek. A beacon to anchor you in this journey through the night to birth a new dawn. Invite the innocence of uncertainty to hold you in wonder and keep you afloat.


  1. Breakthroughs and Success: There has been before you, daunting and hopeless obstacles. Challenges that have brought you to wits end and all but stolen your dreams. But light breaks through. A glimmer of hope re-emerges through the work and effort you have given so far. Even if that work has only been to hold on. Grace rewards you for your faith, for holding out hope. Your strength is undeniable, forged in the fires and trials of your effort, and you now wield it effortlessly. But this does not mean the work is done, only that progress is evident when it was uncertain before. Sharpen your tools and continue on. Success is just on the other side of the obstacles that you are destined to overcome.


4. No Way Out But In: If you find yourself in places or feelings that seem to have no escape, stagnant prisons with walls that have no doors or windows, then you are right where you need to be. The paradox of this prison is that there are no doors, but there is only one way out. The walls surround you, but they were constructed inside of you. In order to get out, you must go within. Stop focusing on the walls and bring your focus on that which led to their creation. By shifting this focus the walls will dissolve away and you will be freed from the fear that has held you captive for so long. There are no walls that could ever keep you from experiencing your light, your imagination, your creativity, your joy...



Strategies for Navigating February 2025:


1. Take shelter. Find balance. If you find yourself in the midst of chaos, find your way to the center, your center, and take shelter as the winds revolve around you. Find balance in the heart as the winds of change display their power. Know that what is lost is unnecessary and notice how little of it you truly needed. Let go of those thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes that cluttered your heart and clouded your mind and let the winds of change clear the way for your enlightenment.


2. Give Grace to Receive Grace. Remember that the Universe is working through you, so a responsibility is poised upon your shoulders to invite in the quality of experience that you desire. What you give shall be returned tenfold. It only takes 30 seconds to practice compassion. What would you like to receive? Give that away unconditionally and see it returned to you in wondrous ways.


  1. Act now! Things are moving at an accelerated pace. Now is not the time to give up or become complacent. Your dreams are manifesting, but this process needs your input. Whether that be taking action in the physical world or fostering stronger self-awareness through inner work. Take this opportunity of acceleration to boost your momentum toward new horizons.


4. Be patient. Stay grounded. With so much change and accelerated movement, do not forget to maintain stability within the now. It can be easy to get caught up in the chaos of change and lose our footing on the ground we walk upon. But growth is a process and you must recognize that special attention is necessary at each moment along the way. The seeds have been planted. Now you must provide the nourishment necessary to bring forth the fruits you desire. They are budding but are not here yet. Patience will realize their potential.


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